Our Work


Rise Up is Up & Walk’s Signature Program, offering help and hope to men, women, and children in need.   Your gifts make it possible for us to provide a hot meal and a pair of shoes to the homeless, educational opportunities for bright students without financial resources, a week of groceries for single mothers struggling to feed their children and so much more.   Our personalized approach meets people where they are, caring not only for their physical needs but their oftentimes even deeper emotional needs.    Every gift opens the door for transformation in the lives of those most in need in our communities.
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A Legacy of Service

32 Years.  More than 40 Countries.  Countless Lives.

For more than 3 decades, across 4 continents, the Up and Walk team has been passionate about making a difference.  Whether it be a free medical clinic, a back-to-school drive, an uplifting concert, or a hot meal, Up and Walk is committed to making the world a better place.
Our History

Give the Gift of Hope